Kharif Crop

Kharif crop refers to the agricultural crops that are sown in the monsoon season and harvested in the winter season. In India, the Kharif season begins with the onset of the southwest monsoon in June and ends with the beginning of the winter season in October. The term Kharif is derived from the Arabic word for autumn.

Sugarcane Harvest Monitoring In Brazil

How to Best Sugarcane Harvest Monitoring in Brazil

Content of Table 1.Introduction 2.Importance of Sugarcane Harvest Monitoring 3.Harvesting Season in Brazil 4.Monitoring Techniques 5.Challenges in Sugarcane Harvest Monitoring 6.Impacts of Monitoring on the Industry 7.Conclusion 8.References Introduction Sugarcane is a vital crop in Brazil, with the country being one of the world’s largest producers and exporters of sugarcane and its derived products, such …

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Types Of Crops In Agriculture

Types Of Crops In Agriculture: Why And How To Classify

Introduction In agriculture, crops are plants that are cultivated for various purposes, such as food production, economic gain, and industrial use. Crops form the backbone of agriculture, providing essential resources for human consumption and economic development. The classification of crops is a fundamental aspect of agricultural science, as it helps farmers, researchers, and policymakers understand …

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મગફળીની ખેતી (groundnut farming)

મગફળી, જેને હિન્દીમાં મગફળી અથવા મગફળી તરીકે પણ ઓળખવામાં આવે છે, તે એક કઠોળનો પાક છે જે તેના ખાદ્ય બીજ માટે વ્યાપકપણે ઉગાડવામાં આવે છે. તે દક્ષિણ અમેરિકાનું વતની છે અને હવે ભારત, ચીન, યુનાઇટેડ સ્ટેટ્સ અને ઘણા આફ્રિકન દેશો સહિત વિશ્વના ઘણા ભાગોમાં તેની ખેતી થાય છે. મગફળી એ પ્રોટીન, તંદુરસ્ત ચરબી, વિટામિન્સ અને …

મગફળીની ખેતી (groundnut farming) Read More »

groundnuts farming Watermelon farming technic pea farming મગફળી(Groundnut) ભીંડા (Ladies Finger) તલ (Sesame) mini tractor